Mondays are now my rest day, which usually means laying low after work. But there were so many unexpected surprises today.
First off, FNS tri kits are here! I didn't expect them so soon, so i was surprised and I am beyond excited to represent my awesome training center at my first triathlon next month. The kits are by Jakroo and include a cycling top, tri top, and tri shorts. I could have gotten bike shorts too, but I've come to realize I much prefer the thin padding to the big diaper that comes in the bike shorts!
I did a quick photo shoot in all my gear and totally feel like a pro ;) All the gear feels like it's great quality, and I love secure hemline on the shorts. I definitely don't feel like it will be moving around on me as I run and bike, but will test it out before race day!
My next bag of goodies is my fresh produce for the week! My training center partnered with an amazing organic farm, Bounty of the Valley, to provide fresh produce to the athletes. The veggies are picked by the farm and are different each week. It's a great way to not get stuck in a rut with the same veggies over and over, plus they have some of the best asparagus I've ever eaten!! This week I got radishes, onion, carrots, spinach, kale, and two bunches of asparagus - YUMMY!
I brought my bike into Sports Basement to get my tire fixed, and planned on just watching and trying to remember what the mechanic did. But lucky me, Sports Basement was empty and I got a one-on-one hands on flat fixing tutorial from two of the mechanics, Mike and Joe. I got some great tips and feel pretty confident that I will be able to fix a flat on my own next time around. And thanks to Sports Basement's awesome purchase policy, the tire change was free (all routine bike maintenance is free for two years if you buy your bike from them!) Since I can't walk away from SB without spending a few dollars, I came home with some chain lubricant, CO2 cartridges, and spare bike tubes.
Finally, I got home with all my goodies, only to find two more packages from Amazon! I have been taking an indoor trainer class in order to improve my bike skills and the Thursday instructor runs the workout by cadence. He calls the timing out for those who don't have a power meter (me) or a cadence computer (also me), so I ordered a Cat Eye Strada cadence computer, so I'm very interested to use it on Thursday. I also got the book Racing Weight to further my education into race nutrition. But the goodies weren't all for me today! I got to surprise my boyfriend with his quarterly shipment of craft beer when I got home...happy boy :)
I finished my night off with a salmon, beet, arugula, and mozzarella salad. Bon appetite! Here's to the start of a new training week!
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