Thursday, December 12, 2013

Off-Season Reset

I learned about Beachbody last winter, when my friend Vickie told me that she was going to start the Ultimate Reset in January.  I decided to jump on board and do it with her so I bought the challenge pack (the reset plus shakeology) and planned to start on January 13.  Well, one of the requirements of the reset is no strenuous exercise.  Major bummer – since 2013 was my “year of the triathlon”, my Wildflower training plan was starting that very same week.  There was no way that I could sacrifice 3 weeks of training for what I knew would be a really tough course.

I put the box in the garage, vowing to do the reset after tri season ended.  Well, tri season (and marathon season) is over, and I’ve finally stepped up to the challenge!  After watching Vickie’s transformation during the reset (then T25), I was chomping at the bit for the season to end to get started on the reset.

So what is it?  The UR is a 21 day program that basically resets the chemical balance of your body.  It’s not just a cleanse or detox…it also “helps to maximize the energy production within your cells, improve your body’s ability to process fuel from nutrients and micronutrients, and assist every process in your body running more smoothly.”

I generally am a pretty healthy eater, but because of how much training I do, I find it pretty easy to make excuses for bigger portions, unhealthy treats, etc.  Just this past weekend, I used my marathon as a complete excuse to eat everything…literally everything.  Pretty sure I ate about 20 xmas cookies after our book club cookie exchange on Monday!  Not the healthiest choice in the world…  I just really needed something different to make a real dent in the changes I want to see in my body.
True Story :/
I decided to tackle this next challenge so that I can go into the 2014 tri season in the best shape possible, with my body cleansed and craving good stuff (not crap), and as lean as I can.  Like everything in my life, this is a process of trial and error, and I can’t wait to see the results at the end.

Each week has a different focus, and you get a specific meal plan to follow every day.  You also have a “Daily Regimen” of supplements to follow.   The supplements are: mineralize, oxygenize, optimize, alkalinize, detox, and revitalize.  There’s a specific schedule that you have to follow for when you take the supplements vs. when you eat.  Definitely set alarms in my phone for each step on the schedule…otherwise the day just gets away!

Week ONE started yesterday.  According to the program guide, during first week, Phase 1, “you RECLAIM you body, accessing its inner chemistry and preparing for change.  You’ll slowly remove foods such as red meat and dairy, which are known to place stress on the digestive system, from your diet.”  Ok…red meat, I’m fine with eliminating, but DAIRY?  I love cheese, so this will probably be the hardest part for me.  But the meals look delicious and I’m excited to share my journey.
Please feel free to ask me any questions as I go through the process, and I’ll be posting updates along the way!  If you want to check it out yourself, head to

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